CAHURAST has been working in partnership with Integrity Action and the University of York to host student internships since 2012. So far, we have hosted three students from the Post-War Reconstruction and Development Unit at the University of York.
The internships are comprised of both office and field work. In the office, the students spend some time learning about the kind of work CAHUARAST is involved in, as well as the politically and socially complex environment in which we do it. We encourage the students to get an up to date knowledge of the environment through personal study, reading newspapers and talking to our staff members about their areas of interest. Once the students are familiar with our operations, we facilitate a field trip for the students to see some of the projects with which we are working. During this field trip, students are encouraged to conduct research of their own according to their interests. This information is then used to produce a report on our operations, used by ourselves, our funders, and our students.
We feel this is a very valuable experience for both the organisation and the students involved. The students can gain a detailed understanding of NGO operation at the grassroots level, as well as knowledge of the Nepali context, which can further their research. Additionally, CAHURAST gets a unique insight and feedback on our operation, as well as furthering the knowledge of the Nepali context and our struggle to establish economic, social and cultural rights in Nepal within the international community.